Utnapishtim Replies

The world will keep on going and people will also change as life goes on. They will eventually die from old age, accidents, or illness and that is just life. People get up to live their life to the fullest and not to die of regrets. They experience many things that development them as they grow older. People will remember their family members, friends, or someone important by them if they would to die because they all do stuff that could not be forgotten even in death. We human being created a sense of order and eternal life by enjoying life as we can and try not to worry about death since it will come to you in due time. In the book it said, “The place and the passage are difficult, and the waters of death are deep which flow between. Gilgamesh, how will you cross the ocean?” It mean that death will come whether you like it or not and Gilgamesh could not stop death so he should enjoy life before he died

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